Agency Agreements
The franchise agreements are landmark agreements that realigned agency incentives with their writer-clients and eliminated the conflicts of interest inherent in agencies’ receipt of packaging fees and financial interest in production entities. Signatory agencies may only represent writers for a 10% commission. The right to negotiate packaging fees terminated on June 30, 2022. For more information regarding this, read the Franchised Agency FAQ. In addition, a franchised agency and its owners may not own more than a 20% stake in a production or distribution entity.
The franchise agreements also contain important provisions on how agencies must represent writers, provide timely information to the WGA to enforce the collective bargaining agreement and writers’ individual agreements, and promote non-discrimination and inclusion.
If you have questions, please contact the Agency Department or call (323) 782-4502.
Franchise Agreements
The franchise agreements, including Rider W and the Rules Governing Arbitration, regulate the relationship among the WGA, the signatory agency, and WGA represented writers. There are various iterations of the franchise agreements; please contact the Agency Department if you have a question about the particular franchise agreement your agency has signed.
Rider W
Rider W contains standard contract provisions that are deemed incorporated into all representation agreements, written or oral, between WGA represented writers and signatory agencies.
Rules Governing Arbitration
The Rules Governing Arbitration provide an efficient mechanism for resolving any dispute arising under the franchise agreements individual representation agreements.
Become a Franchised Agency
If you are a talent agency that wishes to represent WGA members, you must be franchised by the WGA.
Signatory Agency List
The following agencies are signatory to a franchise agreement with the Guild and accordingly may represent writers.