One of the benefits due credited writers under the Writers Guild Minimum Basic Agreement and the Public TV Freelance Agreement is compensation for the reuse of their material. This compensation is called residuals.
The Residuals Department provides the following services related to all aspects of enforcement and administration of the residuals provisions of the MBA:
Customer Service: Handles calls from members, companies, representatives, beneficiaries, and others pertaining to residuals matters.
Collections: Pursues claims for outstanding residuals up to the arbitration stage.
Excerpt Payments: Handles processing, collections, and inquiries pertaining to excerpt payments and compilation shows.
Processing Services: Processes all residuals paid, verifies residuals amounts, payees, and timeliness of payments.

Residuals Lookup
The Residuals Lookup allows members to determine their residuals earnings by project, specific years, or market back to 1981.
Undeliverable Residuals and Other MBA Payments
The WGAW is holding funds on behalf of writers or beneficiaries that we have been unable to deliver because we don't have a current address or other data. You can search for any undeliverable funds the Guild may be holding for you.

Direct Deposit
Direct deposit of residuals is now available. Read this FAQ to learn how it works and how to register.
Small Checks Direct Deposit
Current-Active members can enroll in this residuals program in which checks under $100 are put into a trust account until the gross amount accrued for the writer reaches a certain amount. Then a check is issued to the writer, allowing the writer to avoid receiving dozens of little checks.

Residuals Survival Guide
This guide provides writers with a basic knowledge of residual compensation—what it is, who receives it, and when it is due.
When Are Residuals Due?
A quick guide to when your residuals are due.
High Budget SVOD Residuals
An explanation of the 2020 and 2017 MBA provisions governing HBSVOD residuals.
Residual Payments After Death
This notice describes the residual compensation payable to you under the MBA as well as your right to select a beneficiary to receive such compensation upon your death.
Excerpt “Clip” Payments
If you are a writer and have seen an excerpt of your project used in another project, or if you represent a company planning to use an excerpt of an existing project in your TV or theatrical project, an excerpt payment may be due if the project the excerpt was taken from was produced under WGA jurisdiction.

Residuals FAQs
Get answers to frequently asked questions about residuals.
Residuals Payment Inquiry Desk
If you would like to make a claim for outstanding residuals, use this form to initiate an investigation.
Contact Us
Have a question? Email the Residuals Department or call (323) 782-4700.