Welcome to the Writers’ Deal Hub.

Every three years the WGA negotiates the MBA and works to make improvements to minimum compensation terms that benefit all writers. But the MBA only provides a floor from which better-than-minimum (or “overscale”) deals can be made. Minimums determine a portion of writers’ total pay, but overscale deals are critical to how writers make their year.

The Guild launched the Writers’ Deal Hub to provide members with a centralized resource dedicated to helping them negotiate their individual overscale deals. Using contracts and other information primarily provided by agencies through the new franchise agreement, the Guild will publish guides on going rates for different work and other key individual deal terms. This information should help you leverage better overscale pay in your and your reps’ negotiations with the companies.

Check your inbox for updates on new guides and tools for individual deals as they are developed.

If you have questions, please contact the Contracts Department.


Guaranteed Second Step
This summary breaks down the 2023 MBA’s new Guaranteed Second Step provision.


TV Deal Guides

Series Compensation Guide
This guide includes episodic quotes for writer-producers on half-hour and one-hour series, information on weekly rates, and overscale terms for staff writers and story editors. See the 2019 Episodic Quote Guide for analysis of episodic quotes from the 2017-2018 staffing season.

TV Weekly Pay Calculator
See what your episodic fees amount to on a weekly basis and determine your ideal deal terms.

Pilot Deal Guide
The Guild’s guide to pilot script fees, pilot producing fees, episodic fees, and more.

Options & Exclusivity Guide
Understand this provision of the MBA which protects many TV writers from being held for extended periods without pay, including new terms that specifically address short employment.

Span Guide
Learn about this provision of the MBA which protects overscale pay for many writer-producers working on short order series.

Screen Deal Guides

Screen Compensation Guide
Check out this resource for information on compensation for screenplays and rewrites.

Screen Compensation Guide for Streaming Services
This guide analyzes compensation in hundreds of feature film deals with two major streamers.

Screen Bonus Guide
Learn about key types of screen bonuses, the best terms, and sample deal language.

Screen Deal Tips
Key items to consider when negotiating a screen deal.

WGA Pension and Health: What Every Screenwriter Needs to Know
Here are some useful tips to help you maintain your WGA health insurance and build toward your retirement.