Below is a list of writers who over the years have chosen to resign their membership in the WGAW to become “financial core” non-members. By their action, they have chosen to take advantage of the benefits of the WGA contract, won through the sacrifices of Guild members across generations, while avoiding the corresponding obligations. Most fundamentally, these writers have chosen to shirk the responsibilities of following working rules and strike rules that are necessary for a union to bring collective action to bear for the benefit of the entire membership. 

Fi-core writers forfeit the right to participate in the rich democratic life of this Guild: can’t vote in our elections, run for Guild office, attend Guild meetings and other events, or participate in the Writers Guild Awards. In the past, some of these writers have asked to rejoin the WGA after a strike or other conflict was resolved. The Board of Directors' policy has long been to deny these requests. If members feel they can choose fi-core status and then return, there is less incentive to stay part of the Guild membership when the going gets tough. 

Fi-core is forever.

The remarkable fact is how small the list is. The Guild is known for its solidarity—during strikes, organizing and agency campaigns, and enforcement battles. Solidarity does not mean unity in thought, but it does require adherence to democratic process and the unity in action necessary to keep the union strong.

Angela Workman

Sheri Anderson
Lucas Carter
Dan Gordon
Michael Minnis
Mark Pinciotti 
Ben Poole
Matthew Sand

Laeta E. Kalogridis

Sylvester E. Stallone

Ryan Craig
Stephen P. Romano

Gavin Polone

Judd B. Lynn

Larry Amoros (expelled)
Jesse Collins
James Ralston Davis 
Nile Evans
Mitchell Marchand

Ryan Kadro
Andrew Scheinman

Richard Alan Alexander
Rick Davis
Thomas E. Eberhardt
Dena Higley
John Ridley
John F. Smith

Cita Maria Arena
George Clooney
John F. Cosgrove
Paula F. Cwikly
Jeanne Marie Ford
Mark Christopher Higley
Meg Kelly
Marlene McPherson
Terry A. Meurer
Shawn Morrison
Michelle Poteet Lisanti
Darrell R. Thomas
Gary Tomlin
Garin Wolf
Janeen A. Vogelaar

Robert Rodriguez

Lois Johnson

Steven Soderbergh

Bob Gale
Margaret A. Goldman
David Horowitz

Francis F. Coppola

Lissa Charell

George W. Lucas