Writing Teams: This Rule Could Impact Your Health Coverage
Learn about the Health Fund’s Excess Earnings Extension for teams.
The Health Fund has options to help writers maintain health coverage during periods of unemployment and low earnings. Members of a bona fide writing team must pay particular attention to how their circumstances affect the benefits available to them.
In addition to the Extended Coverage Program, which allows writers to accrue eligibility points for use during periods of unemployment, writers may also quality for extended coverage based on excess earnings. When writers who earn at least $250K (or more) in gross covered earnings in one earnings cycle do not meet the eligibility minimum in their next personal earnings cycle, the Fund will provide coverage for another year by dividing the $250K (or more) equally between the two consecutive earnings cycles. For individual writers, this extension is automatic.
This extension is also available to bona fide two-person writing teams that equally split (50% each) $250K (or more) in gross covered earnings in one earnings cycle, when one or both writers do not meet the eligibility minimum in their next personal earnings cycle. If approved, the Fund will provide coverage for one or both writers by dividing their equal shares of the $250K (or more) between their two consecutive earnings cycles. Unlike for individual writers, the extension for teams is not automatic. Team members must proactively request it.
If you’re part of a bona fide two-person team and think you may qualify for this extension, contact the Eligibility Department of the Fund office by phone at: (818) 846-1015 ext. 605, or email your request to: eligibility@pwga.org. Please provide a copy of your contract(s) with your email.
For more information about the Extended Coverage Program, visit the PWGA website at wgaplans.org.
The Writers' Guild-Industry Health Fund provides medical, hospital, dental, prescription, vision, wellness and life insurance benefits to writers for whom contributions have been made to this Fund by employers under the MBA. The Fund is jointly administered by an equal number of Directors from the Employers and the Writers Guild of America, East and West.