WGAW and Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) Statements on Charlie Hebdo Attack
LOS ANGELES -- Writers Guild of America West President Chris Keyser has issued the following statement in response to the tragic events at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France:
"Today, as a Guild, we reaffirm our belief in the free and open expression of ideas and in the pact all of us must make with each other, not to agree, but to be tolerant of that with which we disagree. We stand with those, wherever they are, who write and speak their minds, which is a brave and necessary thing to do. And we hope for ourselves and wish for others the resolve never to be silenced by fear."
European screenwriters, represented by the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe, are horrified by the cowardly, murderous attack on the creators and editors of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7th. As screenwriters we are shocked by this assault on our freedom to speak our minds, our freedom to create. Freedom of Expression is the essential prerequisite of creativity. The slaughter in Paris is an attack on our right to speak, to voice our opinions, to tell our stories. In solidarity with those who lost their lives, we reject terror, silence and submission.
Les sc naristes d'Europe, repr sent s par la F d ration des Sc naristes d'Europe, sont horrifi s par l'attaque l che et meurtri re contre l' quipe du journal satirique fran ais Charlie Hebdo Paris le 7 janvier. En tant que sc naristes, nous sommes profond ment choqu s par cette attaque contre notre libert de parole et d'opinion, contre notre libert de cr ation. La libert d'expression est le pr requis essentiel de toute forme de cr ativit . Le massacre Paris est une atteinte nos droits, dont celui de raconter nos histoires en toute libert. En solidarit avec les hommes et les femmes qui ont t tu s, nous rejetons la terreur, le silence et la soumission.