101 Greatest Screenplays of the 21st Century (*so far)
24Juno (2007)
Written by Diablo Cody

The jokes—“It’s probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?”—mixed with the tender and the awkward catapulted Diablo Cody’s script to a 2008 Writers Guild Award for Original Screenplay. Christopher Orr of The Atlantic praised Juno for being “able to distinguish between a bad situation (being 16 years old and pregnant) and truly unhappy circumstances: Juno’s parents are disappointed but not disapproving; the Lorings, while not quite as they first appear, never slip into callous caricature; and Paulie Bleeker is everything, I imagine, you would want in the teenage father of your unintended child. Juno herself, moreover, wastes no time on self-pity.”