63The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Screenplay by Terence Winter, Based on the Book by Jordan Belfort

In discussing the riotously unreliable narrator at the center of the film about Wall Street shenanigans, Terence Winter told David Erlich at MTV News, “Part of the fun and the charm of the book is in hearing Jordan’s voice, in hearing his take on things. Things that don’t necessarily lend themselves to dialogue, like him detailing the three different kinds of hookers, or the different stages of a quaalude high, those are just weird little observations.” He asked for director Martin Scorsese’s blessing to write the script with voiceover, “knowing that Goodfellas and Casino were written the same way, and to a certain extent Mean Streets as well. And so he said, ‘Yeah, let’s make this a companion piece to Goodfellas.’ So that was great that I had license to tell the story in that way.”