Season One: Written by Chris Beard, Phil Hahn, John Hanrahan, Coslough Johnson, Paul Keyes, Marc London, Allan Manings, David Panich, Hugh Wedlock, Digby Wolfe

Aired: NBC, 1968-1973
Unlike other landmark comedy variety series, most notably Saturday Night Live, It's impossible to talk about Laugh-In without viewing it through the lens of its times, the late 1960s and early '70s. On Laugh-In, there were pratfalls galore, zany recurring sketches and a drumbeat of one-liners, all of it pitched to a new zeitgeist. The whole thing suggested a cocktail party where the open bar had been humming for hours, with Dan Rowan and Dick Martin your lubricated hosts. Producer George Schlatter has credited Digby Wolfe, who in his native England had written for the BBC's satire That Was The Week That Was, as the man who not only came up with the name for the show but served as the its de facto minister of comedy. Among those who passed through as writers were Lorne Michaels, a Canadian transplant testing out his comedy chops with then-partner Hart Pomerantz.
James Abell
Chris Beard
Jim Carlson
Dave Cox
Bob De Vinney
Jack Douglas
Chet Dowling
Gene Farmer
Rowby Greeber
Richard Goren
Phil Hahn
Jack Hanrahan
Bob Howard
Coslough Johnson
Allan Katz
Paul Keyes
Marc London
Allan Manings
Jack Margolis
Jack Mendelsohn
Lorne Michaels
Jim Mulligan
David Panich
Gene Perret
Hart Pomerantz
John Rappaport
Don Reo
Bill Richmond
George Schlatter
Larry Siegel
Stephen Spears
Hugh Wedlock
Jack Wohl
Digby Wolfe